Clearance Levels
Clearance Levels dictate what information and what access on-site an individual has. They also determine which department an individual will be able to join or apply for.
Level 0
Level-0 is the bottom rank and primarily consists of janitorial staff. May be employed by Energy and Maintenance for their custodian rank.
Complete a Level 0 Application
Level 1
Level-1 consists of personnel who can tryout or apply for a majority of departments with no other prerequisites.
Complete a Level 1 Application
Level 2
Level-2 personnel comprise the main operating force of the foundation and are the foremost contributors to the foundation society. Jobs can range from Researchers and Medical to Security and Operatives.
Complete a Level 2 Application
Be a member of any department
Level 3
Level-3 can only be obtained once you have ranked up sufficiently within a department. Personnel considered to be a part of a department's command chain are eligible for Level-3 clearance.
Be a member of a department Command
Level 4
Level-4 Security Clearance is granted to the Second in Command rank, or Assistant Directors, of any department. They are the first line of contact for issues within a department, any issues with any department should first be handled by a Level-4 of said department.
Be a Second in Command rank to a Director
Level 5
Level-5 Security Clearance is granted to the Directors of any department. They are in charge of the department they are in, only being superseded by their Overseer. Should a Level-4 not be able to assist with Department issues, the Level-5 is next in line to be contacted.
Be a Department Director
Level 6
Given strictly to the O5 Council. Gives access to all information without limitation. An O5 should only be contacted with issues if both the Level-4s and Level-5s of a department have been unable to help.
Be a member of the O5 Council