§.1 - Legislation

Legislation that does not necessarily fit into the Foundation Regulations section of the Code of Regulations Ethics falls under Legislation. When new legislation is needed or introduced, the Ethics Committee will convene and vote on passing new legislation, at which point it'll be posted here for referencing. 

Evidence Disclosure Act (A.E. 01 2023)

The purpose of the Ethics Committee is to always try to be as fair and transparent as possible. 

To live up to this goal evidence shall be available through the following basis:

Unethical Orders Protection Act (A.E. 02 2023)

Protected by EC if ordered to do something unethical (if not O5+)

CoRE Immunities & Exceptions Act (A.E. 03 2023)

Certain roles within the foundation are immune to the Code of Regulations and Ethics. These groups include:

Infraction Severity Act (A.E. 04 2023)

Infractions of the Foundation Regulations will be handled in three categories.

(C) Minor Infraction:
A minor infraction is a minor offense. If you are caught with a distracting package you may be warned and asked to change. Punishments for minor infractions include a warning or an Ethics Committee watchlist.

(B) Medium Infraction:
A medium infraction could be assault or tool abuse. Punishments for said infraction level may be departmental punishments or being placed on an Ethics Committee watchlist, or even a short Class-E sentencing.

(A) Major Infraction:
A major infraction is the highest level of a violation of the Code of Regulations and Ethics. Punishments for major infractions include departmental blacklists, Class-Es, or Ethics Committee watchlists.

Rights of the Accused (A.E. 05 2023)

The rights of the accused are as follows:

You have the right to remain silent. You are not entitled to representation. 

If for some reason the decision is later appealed to the Tribunal Affairs representation can be provided there upon request.

The Foundation Personnel Protection Act (FPPA) (A.E. 06 2024)

The purpose of the Ethics Committee is to uphold equity and fairness for all. 

To live up to this goal the Ethics Committee has set these standards:

The Foundation Conduct Accountability Act (FCAA)  (A.E. 09 2024)

The purpose of the Ethics Committee is to ensure all personnel maintain professional conduct, regardless of their assigned team. As part of this, an FP on CD team will still be held accountable for violations, these include but are not limited to:

 • FR:19 Evasion of Authority 

• FR:26 Usage of Terminal Commands

 • FR:27 Interference with Duties of Law Enforcement Departments 

• FR:33 Name Dropping 

Any offenses committed under these regulations will be reviewed and prosecuted without exemption. The Ethics Committee holds that adherence to these regulations is vital for maintaining the Foundation's integrity and operational security.